At this point, I have been on at least fifteen to twenty 15+ hour long-haul flights, and have experienced things like extreme jet lag, crazy bloating, and catching a contagious skin infection (no, seriously). I better have learned a thing or two about how to stay healthy on a long-haul flight…

It’s also important to note that I have always had a very weak immune system, so when I’m flying I need to take extra precautions. But even if you have the most amazing immune system ever, it is a proven fact that flying causes dehydration, exhaustion, and wreaks havoc on your digestive system.

That being said, I have come up with a sort of system that I use not only on every flight I take, but ESPECIALLY when I’m flying for 10+ hours. Have a look below and find out my suggestions on 10 ways to stay healthy on a long-haul flight!


1. Wipe down every surface you could possibly come into contact with, with anti-bacterial wipes

I may look like the crazy germaphobe while I’m doing this but guess who doesn’t care? Me! Because I am significantly decreasing my risk of coming into contact with not only disgusting but harmful germs (need I mention the flesh-eating bacteria again?!) I ALWAYS travel with a pack of anti-bacterial wipes and wipe down every surface on and surrounding my seat, including but not limited to: headrest, armrest, the button to push your seat back, tray table, tv screen, seat buckle, airflow control, reading light button, and if in a window seat, window cover, and the plane wall where your face might touch if you fall asleep. If there’s ONE tip you implement from this list of ways to stay healthy on a long-haul flight – please let it be this one!!!

2. Take a vitamin-C supplement or packet before flying

I take a packet of Emergen-C Immune+ before and after every long-haul flight that I take. Call it excessive, but due to the weakened state of my immune system during and after flying, I have found that it truly does keep me feeling healthy and less foggy after flying for so dang long. You can also just take the original Vitamin-C packets, but I like the Emergen-C Immune+ because the enhanced immune support formula delivers 1,000 IU (25 mcg) Vitamin D plus 1,000 mg Vitamin C, plus Zinc, B Vitamins, and electrolytes. I usually buy a huge pack and then take a couple of small packets in my carry-on! It’s also just good to have on you while traveling in case you’re feeling run down after a week of adventuring and non-stop travels and your immune system needs a boost.

3. Try this immune support booster + start taking whole-food vitamins

Guys. This vitamin regiment I am on has literally changed my health. Since introducing this Immunoberry Liquid and this whole- food vitamin into my everyday routine, I have seen a significant improvement in my everyday health and wellness.

Designs for Health Immunoberry Liquid contains herbs, mushrooms (shiitake & maitake), and other natural compounds that research suggests have the potential to support the immune system and promote the body’s immune defense. I drop 1mL into my mouth every single morning for that extra immune boost and have felt amazing ever since I began using it. At $43 per bottle, it may sound like a lot, but all you need is 1ml per day, and it will last you approx 118 days. $130 per year on feeling healthier and more energetic than I ever have before is more than worth it for me!

I had always taken synthetic vitamins in the past (think gummies, NatureMade found in CVS/Walmart) until I learned that they don’t nearly have the same absorption rate as a whole- food vitamin. I am no doctor or anything relatively close, but if you read up on food-cultured/whole-food vitamins you will also learn that they are much closer to the nutrients that nature intended and a much larger percentage of those nutrients are actually absorbed into your body! Obviously nothing replaces a healthy balanced diet, but for added health benefits I have started taking whole-food vitamins and am obsessed!

I recommend starting this regiment about 30 days before your scheduled long-haul flight so your body is in optimal health!

4. Leave the air above your seat on  AT ALL TIMES

Even if you’re freezing, I can’t stress how important it is to keep that airflow above your seat on at all times! Keeping the air vent open during your flight essentially creates a barrier around you to ward off airborne germs. With the airflow speeding down, it will actually force those nasty air particles (think sneezing and coughing near you) away from your face. Fewer germs you breathe in = a higher chance of not getting sick on a plane!

My advice, put that puppy on full blast and load on the sweaters and scarves! I probably look like a crazy person with my bag of extra layers, but guess who isn’t breathing in someone else’s sneezes? (Insert blonde girl raising her hand emoji).

5. Use hand sanitizer more than you think is necessary

Listen, I know that using hand sanitizer excessively can actually be quite harmful in daily life, but according to me, that rule goes out the window when I’m on a plane! In my opinion, you can’t wash your hands or sterilize your hands with hand-sanitizer enough while on a plane. Have you ever been waiting at your gate while the plane you will soon be getting on has to empty out? And once the last person is off the plane, you probably board 10-15 minutes later? Think about how large a plane is and how little time 10-15 (even 20!) minutes is to fully clean and disinfect a plane full of passengers is! It’s basically impossible and I can guarantee your tray table, armrest, bathroom door, or any other surface on a plane has NOT been cleaned. Just something to think about 🙂

6. Try drinking 8oz of water per hour of flying

It’s a proven fact that at high altitudes the air is dryer and the oxygen content is lower making it the perfect situation for dehydration. You know how when you visit high altitude destinations like Cusco, Peru or Mexico City you’re supposed to drink wayyy more water than usual because of the high elevation? Well, the same goes for when you’re flying! This may sound like an excessive amount of water, but if you truly want to beat jet lag and keep your body in optimal health, start sippin’! I often have to call flight attendants to help with filling up my water bottle and am constantly needing to ask the person next to me if I can sneak over them, but hey, I’m trying to stay healthy over here. ***Make sure to ask for bottled water!!! This makes me sad because I avoid bottled water and bring my canteen with me everywhere, but the water tanks they use on planes are seldom cleaned and there have been many reported cases of water contamination in the past!!

7. Pre-order vegetarian non-dairy meals OR skip the plane food altogether

The best I’ve EVER felt after a long-ish flight was when I avoided plane food altogether. Plane food is usually packed with sodium and preservatives to keep the food “fresh” for longer which often causes bloating, cramping, and overall discomfort. Think about the logistics of cooking the food, prepping it, getting it on the plane, keeping it on the plane for 10+ hours…that’s a long time that food has been cooked, sitting there, waiting to be consumed several hours later.

Of course, the timing has to work out, but if you have an 8PM or later flight, try to eat a healthy meal at home or at the airport before boarding and skip the late-night plane dinner that they serve. Then when breakfast time comes around, have an apple/fruit and a granola bar on hand.

If it’s not possible to avoid the plane food, make sure to pre-order a vegetarian/vegetarian non-dairy meal whenever you can. This way you will at least avoid eating meat which is the most sodium/preservative-packed item on the tray.

8. Bring your own snacks 

This is kind of an extension of #7, but to further avoid plane food and the greasy/salty snacks that they provide (which also cause bloating and discomfort!), bring your own! Some top suggestions for snacks you can bring would be peanut butter and crackers, instant oatmeal (you can ask the flight attendant to pour hot water in it for you!) hummus and crackers, cut up veggies like carrots & celery, dried fruit and non-salted nuts, granola bars, and skinny popcorn. (I will admit that my favorite snack of LIFE is SmartFood Popcorn, but I would not recommend it as a snack to stay healthy!!!)

9. Avoid carbonated beverages, chewing gum, & sadly, alcohol

Did you know that as the plane goes higher, the gas in your stomach and your intestines expand? That’s the main reason you feel bloated and crampy on a plane, but to further avoid it from getting worse make sure to avoid carbonated beverages. The carbonation in soda causes excess gas in the stomach and the caffeine also increases stomach acid production.

As for gum, although it might help with the pressure in your ears, constantly chewing gum on a plane allows extra air into your body which causes bloating, gas and indigestion.

I love me a good glass of wine when in-flight, but if I’m looking to stay healthy on a long-haul flight, it’s best to avoid. Why do you ask? Well, a.) because in general, alcohol is just not good for you haha b.) alcohol further dehydrates you in an already extremely dehydrating environment c.) the level of oxygen in your blood is lower when in-flight, meaning you will feel drunk/light-headed way faster than you would if you were on the ground.

10. Use a Korean Sheet mask while in flight, then keep on the excess product for extra hydration

And my final tip to stay healthy on a long-haul flight is for your skin health! We’ve talked at length about how dry and dehydrating the environment inside the aircraft cabin is, and you better believe you will see those drying effects on your skin! One of my favorite ways to combat this is to use a Korean-style sheet mask while in-flight for an instant blast of hydration to the skin! Do I look like Jason from Friday The 13th? 100% Yes. Do I care? I think you know the answer to that by now.


Of course, all of the above steps will keep you healthy which in turn will help you look healthier and less like you’ve had all the moisture sucked out of you, but for that extra glow (and the quick fix) checkout the 5 Products to Give You Glowing Skin Even After You Step Off Your Flight. People are going to want to see your boarding pass for proof because girl you will NOT look like you had just been traveling!

I hope you enjoyed these 10 tips to stay healthy on a long-haul flight and will actually put some if not all of them into use for your next travel experience. *When* you do, shoot me a message or leave me a comment letting me know if any of the tips worked for you! I would love to hear from you, and if you have any suggestions, definitely let me know – I’m always looking for ways to be healthier on my long journeys!

Disclaimer: Please note that some of the links above are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you decide to make a purchase after clicking through the link. This helps me keep up and running, thank you! 🤗❤️


Wander On,

Wanderluluu xx

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I heard somewhere that there are 16x the germs on a plane than in other public spaces!

Love these tips and following your journey.


Aurora! Yesssss it’s so nasty! That’s why I go full germaphobe mode on planes haha. So glad you found the tips helpful xx

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